Uhm… No!  I’m not talking about Harry Potter!  This can be considered pt.2 of my previous post, Our Lost Skills.

I don’t think anyone would deny that our advances in society are great.  I’m really glad I can go to the restroom in my nice, comfortable, warm restroom and not have to take a walk to the out-house.  But as things have become easier to make, buy, etc… we have lost some of the skills that were just common knowledge years ago.

Just the other day my dad was telling me about a lady on his block that would pay him for cutting her grass with canned fruit.  She would go to the local grocery store and buy fruit, at a reduced price, that was about to go bad and can it.  She was an old school prepper!  But something that was so common back then, is almost forgotten now…  Not everybody…you know what I mean.  It’s like those skills have become arts now.

But what if you could learn those skills?  You can go to Youtube and find some great tutorials and people who care about getting the info. out there.  But what if you could have a hands-on experience?  What would you like to learn?

  • canning
  • bread making
  • soap
  • gardening
  • water purification
  • orientation
  • edible plants around your area

Help me out here… Leave me a comment on what you would like to learn and then take the time to answer the poll (to the right).

If you want me to keep you updated… send me an email using the contact button to the right.  Thanks!